-nothing can replace the love that awakens your heart. Hold fast to that love.Though life often seems determined to fling difficulties in your path.- by Thomas Fleming; Remember the Morning

Friday, October 29, 2010

At XiaoYouKeng

Xiaoyoukeng is found in the YangMingSan (Yang Ming Mountain) in the north of Taiwan. This is a place where most tourist and locals can enjoy the beautiful view of a steaming mountain. At the background of the sign is the steam. Xiaoyoukeng is filled with volcanic fissures that spew steam from the bowels of the earth, forming clusters of sulfur crystals.
On my way to the trails I seen a lot of visitors.

The perfect view of the steaming mountain from one of the observation decks. On the far left is another trail where visitors can closely look at the volcano.

Some visitors tried to cook eggs on the boiling water on the ground.  I wonder how the egg would taste with the boiling sulfur water!!


Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Does the steam smell of sulfur? It looks beautiful though. I'm sure I wouldn't eat one of those eggs. they don't look appetising at all.

farah acedo said...

yes, it all smell sulfur out there... there are sulfur hot springs around the vicinity too, they say it is good for the body. i wouldn't eat those eggs too!

Mandy said...

What a lovely post! You are my second bloggy friend from Taiwan! I hope to visit sometime in the future but we first have a trip to South Africa planned.

farah acedo said...

@emm; thanks emm.. you will love here, like I do. the people are so friendly and lots of nice spots to intertain you.. enjoy your trip to South Africa!

Relax Max said...

There's nothing wrong with those eggs - don't be so afraid!