-nothing can replace the love that awakens your heart. Hold fast to that love.Though life often seems determined to fling difficulties in your path.- by Thomas Fleming; Remember the Morning

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Caregiver's Diary 2

It's been almost two days raining here in Taipei. The temperature is cool. But for granny, today is a bad day. Rainy days makes her sad and lonely. She talked a bout her son's difficulty coming home from work tonight because the rain is pouring. Sometime of the day she just burst into crying and I rush to see what happened to her. But nothing was wrong with her, she only remember her mother and father, whom she misses all the time. I comforted her and let her watch television shows to distract her attention.
So this afternoon, I prepared green tea and some biscuites. She likes to have our afternoon tea and talk about anything she can remember.  

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